Finished work I decided to publish as a blog post
- [November 2024] The Key Part of Prodecures to Discover the Path Ahead.
- [April 2024] All The Doors I Could Think Of, originally on itch.
- [April 2022] Adapting Procedures to Discover the Path Ahead to Wanderhome.
Mechanics (mostly drafts)
- [November 2024] "Races" as supernatural transformations part 2: Vampires. Also a bunch of worldbuilding about the afterlife.
- [August 2024] A set of virtues (or vices) for creating player characters, factions, etc.
- [Dec 2023] A very early, incomplete draft of an oracle deck.
- [Feb 2023]Some rough thoughts on character retirement
- [June 2022] "Races" as supernatural transformations, for Cairn-like games.
- [July 2022] A first draft of a new combat system using only random tables and a momentum counter.
- [Dec 2020] Drawing straws as a mechanic - one day I'll make a game based on this
- [May 2023] The Bones of the City: a bit about cities.
- [May 2022] Adults on Bikes: some early brainstorming for a PbtA solarpunk game.
- [Dec 2021] The Common Tongue: what's with everyone speaking the samge language?
- [Dec 2021] The Cold Lands: a standalone adventure location of desperate survival in almost unlivable conditions.
- [Nov 2021] Locations part 2: as above, but from one trip to the desert.
- [Oct 2021] Locations part 1: some inspiration from real-world places for TTRPG writing.
- [Dec 2020] Etiquette Among The Humans; or; why are humans always the center of the world
- [Oct 2020] Antagonistic monsters: Kobolds - antagonistic is not evil part 2 - also what is up with kobolds and dragons
- [Sept 2020] Antagonistic monsters: Bugbears - antagonistic is not evil
- [March 2020] Orcs, Half-Orcs and a Homebrew Setting
- [June 2020] Another take on religion - I actually have used this in other writing
General thoughts on writing and TTRPGs
- [January 2024] What's a zine? And why does it matter?
- [December 2024] A taxonomy of games: there are at least 4 types of games.
- [November 2024] Big Bad Con 2024: mostly about the games I played.
- [August 2024] What's wrong with the 9 alignments, and an alternative set of values.
- [Mar 2024] GMing is like organizing a potluck.
- [Jan 2024] Some thoughts on the idea of "Door D&D", One Breath Left, and why solo games often blur the line between genres.
- [Dec 2023] Taking ideas from "story games" and putting them into "OSR".
- [Oct 2023] Some thoughts on what rules are and what they're for.
- [June 2023] A bit about playing solo games.
- [Feb 2023]Some rough thoughts on things you can do in combat in Cairn
- [July 2022] How I see "NSR".
- [July 2022] Zine Month 2022: My experience printing PTDTPA.
- [March 2022] On Fantasy Heartbreakers
- [Jan 2022] Printing a game: My first experience with the Murky Bog zine.
- [Feb 2021] Using spell points to make spell casting feel more natural
- [Oct 2020] Maps as Worldbuilding - some examples of how I think about how maps fit into and describe the world
Thoughts on other games
These aren't really reviews - I'll only write about things I like and I'm not trying to rank how objectively good they are. These are more about sharing things that I like, hopefully giving an idea of whether or not you'd like them, and just some random thoughts on them.
- [July 2024] Thoughts on Tome of Tombs and 2400 (which have nothing to do with each other) as well as a tomb I made with the former.
- [November 2022] Some initial impressions of the solo game Glide
Actual plays
These are mostly very roughly written.
- [August 2024] Two games: Tarnation and God's Gonna Cut You Down.
- [May 2023-April 2024] Part 1 and Part 2of a Cairn playthrough.
- [June 2023] but published Dec 2023 Tannic, played in Cairn.
- [July 2023] A Visit to San Sibila.
- [October 2022] A story of the ship The Moth, from the game Skyworthy.
- [June 17 2022] In which Frederick the Seagull attempts to steal himself a dinner in It's Lunchtime!, with mixed success.
- [April 23 2022] In which Noi the Scout does some delving in Ruincairn and I get all the rules wrong
Notes to self + future plans
- Games to play and games I've played