Here are some cool people with cool personal websites. They are mostly TTRPG-adjacent, though many of them cover a range of topics. That's the cool thing about personal websites: much less pressure to make some large corporation's algorithm happy, so you can have some fun with it.
If you want to be added, let me know. At some point I'll also put together and link some resources for making your own personal website.
Also, not a blog, but for more non-corporate internet content, come hang out in the #ittrpg channel here. It's more chill than discord, so you might need to idle for a while before people start talking.
An informal group of independent focused TTRPG creators working together to support each other. There are more of us and maybe eventually we'll have something more organized to cross-support our work. We've got a general interest in a DIY attitude (maybe?), solo games (though not exclusively), low pressure collaboration, helping each other learn, still figuring out what we are. But all cool people whose games you should check out.Other cool people
People's personal websites, often from within the general Mastodon/DIY sphere. If we're mutuals feel free to ask to be added.
Select blogs I follow
This isn't a complete list - I've mostly omitted people who I think someone reading this page will likely already know about, but this is a very unscientific process of guessing how much I see their names on social media, as someone who no longer spends very much time on social media. All of these should have RSS feeds.
Infrequently or no longer updated
Here are some infrequently updated blog posts (last update > 6 months ago, or explicitly described as no longer updated). Some may never be updated again, but I found them interesting, at one time. Others will probably get an update in another 6 months. We've all been there. The good news is you can read through their backlogs pretty quickly.
There's a lot of overlap here with other categories, but if you're particularly interested in writing (as a craft), here are some good ones. I'm looking for more blogs about solo journaling and in this category in general.
This is a pretty arbitrary category.
Glog and other classic OSR blog cultures
This is a pretty arbitratry category as well. It's not necessarily GLOG blogs; it's one I feel have a GLOG vibe.
Reviews, play reports, written adventures
There's some overlap with the others, but these are particularly focused on directly discussing games as they are played.
Theory and Academics
These also talk about other things, but these are ones that are particularly focused on the theory of writing games, or incorporating academic research into games. I've omitted the famous ones although maybe my judgement on who is famous is incorrect.